AAA41 Nibiru,etc.continued.

June 25, 2012

Tuesday, 26th June, 2,012.


Nibiru, continuing.


I wish to extract this from Pakalert – and answer it:-(The EXTRACT is NOT mine.)

“Is Prepping Worth it? What if Nothing Happens? Is it all a Waste?

Posted: 24 Jun 2012 11:34 PM PDT
Earlier this year, I ran across an blog post on the Directive 21 site that asked the question: What if Nothing Happens? The context was that of prepping. You know what I mean: the time, the expense, the worry, the whole shebang. Is it worth it, and, more to the point, will all of this effort be wasted? Now I happen to know that a lot of naysayers out there will point to the year 2K brouhaha as an example of why prepping is folly.”
Some people who do not want to believe 2012 is a threat, point out that there was a big scare over Y2K(The Year 2,000.A.D.), but no thing happened.(Or very little)
Very short-sighted thinking! Prepping(Preparing(for 2012 Doom) IS a lot of bother to go to. How AWFUL. To go to all that trouble – and then NO THING happen! (What a LET-DOWN!!))

Yes, WHAT IF NO THING HAPPENS?! (But,…)What if SOMETHING does?!(And you HAVEN’T prepared.)(It is a case of being PRECAUTIONARY!!)(NOT of arrogant CERTITUDE!!)

The REASON for The Y2K scare was IN CASE something DID happen.
FORTUNATELY, nothing did. IN 2,000, or 1999. Nothing much happened on the computers,etc.


However, those who argue that Y2K was a fizzer(and 1999), therefore ALL scares are fizzers, and so 2012 must be too!!

That is IDIOTIC!!

The IDEA is to be PREPARED just IN CASE the warning is sound.

I think silly criticism put on Pakalert. Should not have asked so OBVIOUS a question!
I suppose many do look for an EXCUSE to reject preparing(PREPPING).

Which is better? To prepare and nothing happen. Or NOT to prepare and SOMETHING happen!
The point is this: The idea is to handle(deal with) the POSSIBILITY that SOMETHING(BAD) MIGHT(happen)!!

The ship may sink. The plane MAY crash. So have a life-jacket on!!

How many are DISAPPOINTED when nothing happens?? This is silly!!


I point out two obvious things:-

1. 1999 and 2,000 were APPROXIMATE dates issued for the TRUE date – which is 2,012!!

The ERROR was to assume that The APPROXIMATE date was the ACTUAL date! No,no!!(Saying 2,000 is just a lazy way of saying 2,012. Rough!!)(2,000 is ROUGHLY 2,012!!)
2. The people(skeptics) who harp on I WISH IT WAS 2,013 so that the matter is settled are ASSUMING that The 2,012 warning is erroneous.

Hey! 2,012 has come. Aye. But NOT gone!! Wise I think to WAIT for 2,013 to come AND go TOO – before rejoicing that nothing happened.(Or, in the words of the prophet: DON’T count your chickens BEFORE they are hatched!!(Some of you may have HEARD of the saying!!(LOL))

It should be OBVIOUS that it is UNWISE(FOOLISH!!) to count your chickens BEFORE they are hatched.(And most people don’t!)(But there are those who do.)


There IS a prediction or prophecy that Doom will occur(or perhaps ONLY start) in the year 2,012 A.D. Yes, it MAY be phoney. True. But on the OTHER HAND, it MAY be SOUND!!

Of all prophecies, 2,012 is VERY sound!!(But wise not to be TOO cocksure until 2012 has GONE.(AND well into 2,013,too!!))
How do you skeptics KNOW(beyond ALL doubt??) that this 2012 prophecy WON’T come to pass????
WISE to wait until 2,012(and 2,013) has GONE before CROWING!! I THINK!!

Because if it HAPPENS(Doom) – WHO will have the most EGG on their faces later??(However we can all expect MUCH MORE than egg on their faces!!)


This is VERY foolish!!


(Let us)
WAIT, and SEE!! – As the saying goes!! OBVIOUSLY!!!!

Shall I break my heart over some AWFUL event that did not happen?(Which I had prepared for.)

Or shall I be THANKFUL, despite my work, THAT IT DIDN’T??!!

All SORTS of predictions get made all the time, everywhere. SOME eventuate. Others don’t!!

But I don’t think it is wise to be SURE IN ADVANCE that it won’t happen!!


In any case, how MARVELLOUS that it didn’t(IF that is so)!!

Psychological compensation!!


At least The Preppers have THEN got a good supply of things – for any future calamities!!



I do not KNOW(for certain) what TOMORROW will bring.(In fact I don’t(for CERTAIN) know AT ALL!! Do I? DO YOU??
I also do not know(for CERTAIN) what tomorrow WON’T bring!


Therefore wise to hedge bets!!

I COULD say “The sun will rise tomorrow”. Yet there is a day coming SOON, VERY SOON, when the sun WON’T rise tomorrow!!

One CANNOT avoid ALL suffering.

But one CAN rejoice despite the work,etc. of PREPPING, when disaster does not occur!!(A sort of good insurance investment!!)


The name of the game is to REDUCE suffering(probably), NOT (TRY TO) ELIMINATE it!!(Elimination is good, but who can expect to be THAT successful??!!)

How many of you think that because I tried to be a bit humourus in my last article, that the whole thing is PHONEY? Bit hopeful weren’t those of you who thought THUS!!

The idea of a little humour, despite the APPALLING GRAVITY of the prediction, was to relieve THE TENSION, not to make a joke of it, or TO SUGGEST that the whole thing was PHONEY!!(Come ON!!)


Fukushima is VERY worrying!!


A REALLY BAD radiation CLOUD could cover the WHOLE world!!(If there was a collapse there.)(And HOW LIKELY given that disasters PROLIFERATE!!)

Let us NOT BANK upon our assumptions!!(Positive OR negative)




Whilst not IGNORING the POSSIBLE!!

Or even the MERELY improbable.







AAA40 Doomsday is IMMINENT!!

June 24, 2012

Monday, 25th June, 2,012.


Nibiru is at the gates!



PLEASE go to “2,012-Signs in Sun,Moon, and Stars-Just The First 3 Months” . Then follow the series,etc.

Also “Zeta Talk”. And “Earth Changes and The Pole Shift”. Etc.

On U-Tube videos,etc.


Men of Planet Earth! I know that I have touched upon this subject before. And MORE THAN once!!
I need your fullest ATTENTION.

AND co-operation!!
ARE YOU ready to be transported onto alien Mothercraft space ships??(As the better half of Humanity has this to look forward to. Unless you care to be be destroyed?!)
Yes, Caviar won by a nose. Should have been two lengths. But THE TRACK(so sticky) let her down!! The jockey did his best(But he under-estimated the track), but was FAR too complacent on the home stretch.(As it was she tore two muscles.)(And the trip de-conditioned her.)

The Stables,etc. should have studied track,etc.conditions better!
With that out the way, I DO hope you understand JUST HOW serious things are!
TWO groups of UFO’s are being prepared. Annunaki aliens on board. Two VAST armadas!! DO I make myself CLEAR??
Group one is VERY SOON to land and choose the best half of humanity.
Group two hovers far above waiting for the best half of us to be beamed aboard. But it will not be Scottie waiting at the other end!(I don’t think I need enlarge…)

We are talking TWO vast fleets(of many thousands in each) of UFO’s, ALMOST READY to spring into action. Little greys will perhaps, if not probably, precede them!!
You get my drift? But are you DIGGING?? If not, WHY NOT??!!


PEACE be with you, all.
Resistance will be futile!!
I understand that step one will be floating(FLOATING) the best half of Humanity into TENT camps. And then BEAMED UP from them!!(Better pack!!)(Yes. Bring your own toothbrush. AND tooth-paste!!)
Which one is your leader? Which lamp-post??


Bring him to me, please. You can leave the light bulbs in.(The brains??)


Disasters,etc. continue apace upon Earth. As Nibiru draws near.

Some of you may have noticed…


Comrades(IF any), I am DEADLY serious. But using a LITTLE humour to lighten you a bit for the trying ordeals ahead…


We are to be ABDUCTED en masse, – for our own good!!(The better half of humans,that is.)


Some of you may be met by your children. Hybrid children. Products of a merger being arranged by The Annunaki.
And now, men of Earth(and women), I shall conclude by hooking you on to some sets of data. For your edification.(Please see fuschia(this colour) above – under heading.)




Vic.(I seem to be relaying to you.)

O.K. you guys??
All right, chaps??



V. For Vic.








AAA39 Nibiru,more. Don’t miss!!

June 20, 2012

Thursday, 21st June, 2,012.



Nibiru: More details.

These earth movements that Victoria, Australia (and the one in New Zealand)is(are) having – are, I believe, due to Nibiru approaching.(Hauling the upper Earth higher!!)

Keep CALM, absolutely calm, because this is NOTHING compared to what is coming!

These incidents are part of THE VERY START of The Pole Shift. This is almost CERTAIN!! (As Nibiru HEAVES upon The North GEOGRAPHICAL Pole! Nibiru will win,…)(Terrible JERK. And GIGANTIC GLOBAL earthquake. And then Earth swivels over…some say 90 degrees in one hour…That is over 6,000 miles per hour.(I would have thought that The Earth Inversion takes one day, maybe several.)(Sun and moon stand still in the sky. My guess is 27 hours. Maybe days. Anything up to about a week!!))
What is coming, starting now, but spread over the next few months – to a couple of years, WILL BE THE WORST DISASTER MAN ON THIS EARTH WILL EVER EXPERIENCE!!(Past AND FUTURE!!)(I resented putting that word FUTURE in!!)
Called THE EVENT, many now living GOT BORN purposely TO EXPERIENCE!!
Yes, how nice to be able to claim that you experienced THE WORST CATASTROPHE EVER – to hit Man on Earth!!
What will it be like? You know that film 2012? That BASICALLY is what we can expect!! When I say HELL ON THIS EARTH, I MEAN just THAT!!
Tsunami, world wide, of about 700 feet high! Picture one of THEM racing up your beach!

But Tsunami will be ONLY ONE of the very many horrendous weather events!(Weather of all EIGHT element levels!! Fire,Earth,Water,Air,Electricity, Magnetism, and two more!!)

I say again: You(and every creature on Earth!) are MORE LIKELY to die – than to live! Terribly and horribly.
I am spelling it out AS I SEE IT.


What is happening, you see, is that TWO great cycles of disasters are occurring SIMULTANEOUSLY!!

We have the 6,500 year quarter solar cycle – which is due to THE WOBBLE of The Earth.(When The Earth reaches extreme tilt.)(Four equal tilts every 26,000 years.)

AND we have the 3,600 year cycle of Nibiru’s passing us.

BOTH of these cycles are OCCURRING SIMULTANEOUSLY this time!!

In fact, what is happening(about to happen) is an event that happens about once in every 26 MILLION YEARS!!


Normally each one of either produces a CATACLYSM. But THIS time, we have the BOTH together!! So a DOUBLE CATACLYSM!!

PLUS the completion of one revolution of the galaxy(Milky Way)(Do NOT confuse solar system with galaxy! Our solar system is simply Sol, our sun PLUS the planets and their moons,ETC. circling them.)

PLUS the completion of all other astronomical cycles relevant to us. PLUS the alignment with the centre of the galaxy. PLUS The New Age of Aquarius advent!(When Pisces Age ENDS.)
(The GALAXY is a system of MANY BILLIONS of stars!(About half of them solar systems!)(Hundreds of billions of stars,perhaps, in a galaxy. Maybe 300,000,000,000. And there are as many galaxies in a universe… I think the TOTALITY is INFINITE…))

Supposing you lived in a village of 7,000 people. Then the world contains ONE MILLION(1,000,000) such villages in population(equivalent), as yours.(Over 7,000,000,000 people on Earth.)
But an average galaxy contains 300,000 such EARTHS of people!

The number is way too far beyond that of the AVERAGE individual to grasp!

So please do not say GALAXY – when you ONLY MEAN solar system!

Our solar system is the PROPORTIONATE correspondence to


A different and MUCH bigger thing!! Than our solar system!(It is LIKE confusing your village comparison to that of The Earth of the hypothetical equivalent in villages with 300,000 Earths(OF VILLAGES!!)!!!!))

Your(hypothetical)village is ONLY 1,000,000 x short of The Earth number.

But The Milky Way GALAXY is 300,000 TIMES LARGER than
than is the disparity between a village of 7,000 against an Earth of one million(1,000,000) such villages!

The coming SUPER CATACLYSM(Because TWO cycles of cataclysms involved!) will be(my estimate) About 4x(Because Wobble, Nibiru, Galactic Alignment AND rebellion against end of Pisces Age, – comes to FOUR TIMES the USUAL cataclysm(every 3,600 years) – MEANS
…THAT we are ABOUT TO SUFFER One ATLANTIS type event.
One Atlantis type event equals ABOUT 1000(roughly) World Wars. Of World War two size.

Or 4,000 world wars. Now THAT’S devastation…

So we are looking at something “rather nasty”…

THAT is ABOUT the size of it.


Can YOU imagine 4,000 WW2’s compressed into one?

THAT is what we can EXPECT over the next 8 months to two years.



Which is WHY I POUND you FEW with my pitiful warnings…

It will be(I am estimating) UTTERLY unimaginable!!

ALL words fail UTTERLY. And beyond all comprehension…

However, two points, 1. It will BUILD UP to this.(The earth trembling,etc. in Victoria and the earthquake in New Zealand are among only THE VERY FIRST fleas in an ARMY of tyranosaurus rexes NOW bearing down UPON US…

And 2, You can only die.(And death will be preferable(in my opinion) to surviving to live in the most extreme devastation IMAGINABLE…With Ice Era and then ICE AGE following,…)

Folks, comrads,…PLEASE fasten your SEAT BELTS!!

Turbulence ahead!(As The Captain swallows his false teeth AT THE VERY THOUGHT!!))



I am TRYING frantically, desperately, to give you all SOME IDEA of what to expect.

An AWFUL number of humans will of course die in their tracks. Like The Dinosaurs did in perhaps some earlier EVENT!!(Of like nature.)


I struggle to render an accurate picture, as to nature AND magnitude.
I am having a job…



Get as high as possible. Get away from the coasts. And, I DO advise, from people. AND from animals.(Because BOTH will be STARK STARING RAVING MAD… In mindless packs – COMPLETELY OUT OF THEIR MINDS.)
We have never had it so good. This generation. And VERY SOON, will never have had it so bad!


Yet SOME will survive. Even millions. Don’t know how many millions. POSSIBLY billions. But WHERE are they going to HIDE??!! From the destruction LASHING everything???? In ALL forms, from EVERY DIRECTION!!!!

Nibiru is as big as Saturn!
IT won’t hit us(very unlikely to). BUT, some of THE STUFF accompanying it – PROBABLY will.(Moons, rocks, dust, the deadly red dust, and much very much more.)
I STILL say GET DOWN THE NORTH GEOGRAPHICAL POLE! Aim for it and KEEP ON GOING for at least 600 miles – and you SHOULD find yourself upon THE INNER SURFACE of this HOLLOW EARTH!!

Just about every settlement on Earth turned into an HIROSHIMA!!

Not from Radiation though. Though we can expect some of that,too.(Just about ALL of the nuclear plants on Earth are going to broken WIDE OPEN!!)


People have NO IDEA!!


We have had a flea bite or two so far. But VAST PACKS of Tyranosaurus Rexes are coming,…
Death will be best,…But do NOT commit suicide!

What makes it worse THIS TIME is the number of people on Earth, and the degree of technology reached!!

Electric arcs will leave hardly ANY electronic and electric devices working!
It will come gradually…(Until The Pole Shift STARTS, – and then – WHAM…)


Nibiru is the cause. Pole Shift the mechanism.(PHYSICAL Inversion of The Earth.)

ANYTHING bad that you can think of…And worse. All over the place. Will BE so manifest…

Watch out for that huge red moon in the sky….soon…

Go to “Earth Changes and The Pole Shift” site.(VERY interesting.)

AND to “Zeta Talks”(ALSO GOOD).

AND others like those.

The two named are the best I have found so far.

Earthquakes in Victoria??
Just an early BREEZE in the coming SUPER HURRICANE!!!!

And MAN, am I falling SHORT by way of DESCRIPTION!!

There are no words,…






Best hope? Get buried(with plenty of water,etc(medical supplies,radio,batteries,AND SO ON…AND SO ON….)) IN a Super-Market!

And JUST HOPE NO ONE can reach you!!



I repeat DO NOT COMMIT SUICIDE.(Awful penalty in Spirit World. So don’t do it!!)



Did you remember to add smelling salts to your list??!! GOOD IDEA!!!!


Heat, cold, fright and TERROR will take many off BEFORE they realize it!!















AAA38 Nibiru, continuing.

June 20, 2012

Wednesday, 20th June, 2,012.

Continuing on Nibiru.

Cause of the coming Pole Shift.

Nibiru IS approaching, and its gravity is pulling on The North Geographical Pole, straining to pull it over. Because Nibiru is 22x as massive as Earth(Though only 4 to 5 times as big), it will succeed. Eventually.
VERY little time is left for us all to PREPARE. MANY of Earth’s life-forms will die. Including BILLIONS of humans. Anywhere from 3 to 6 BILLION humans. Prepare to die – unless aliens evacuate you.

Nibiru IS in sight. NOT a lens flare! Close examination of many videos,photos,etc. renders this clear enough!!

This Pole Shift is physical, geographical. Will mean the switching of the poles.(The physical geographical ones!)(Including The Magnetic.) Yes, I know that the physical or geographical pole is unrelated to the MAGNETIC pole. BOTH will switch ends.(The Earth is going to TURN RIGHT UPSIDE-DOWN!!)(Or, POSSIBLY, AT LEAST, lie upon its side, but TOTAL PHYSICAL INVERSION is the most probable result!)

This occurs EVERY 3,600 years! And is due to Nibiru passing(on ITS orbital trajectory) close to The Earth! THIS is WHY the great continent civilizations of the past got destroyed!!

We are urged to PREPARE. But SO LITTLE can be done. Why bother??!! We are looking at Nemesis, Herboculosis, Nibiru AND Homeward passing near. (Actually ONLY Nibiru passes close by.)(But that is ENOUGH!!)(To end this civilization.)All heavenly bodies as large OR LARGER than The Earth.(Nibiru is Planet X.)

It is for sure. And it will be SOON!!

VERY little will survive.

Not likely to hit us.


It is possible that Nibiru is a captured wandering planet, and not a planet of Sirius B. Apparently these are common, and when caught – wreck havoc in whatever solar system they get trapped by.


We are NOT looking at another fantasy notion here. This is real. The Nibiru report IS true!!


It is true that many humans fantasize some weird things. But THIS Nibiru,ETC. is NOT one of them!!


It is a planet FAR out beyond Neptune(Pluto-Charon no longer qualifies as a planet. Too small. Perhaps just an Oort object.)
Neptune is the only planet that does not fit Titius Bode’s Law. I suggest that the reason for this is that Neptune got struck by Nibiru – and knocked way back off from its original orbit.(Leaving(possibly) a double satellit Pluto-Charon behind.)
Nibiru does not fit the usual Gas Giant,etc. category – and is therefore likely a capture by Sol, our sun. Perhaps an outer planet of Sirius B – or maybe one of the planetoids or planetary space wanderers that happened to get too close to the sun.
These captured alien objects wreak havoc because NOT fitting the original solar lay-out concerned.


Our accelerating wandering magnetic pole is one of the first signs of a pole shift.

Note that a pole shift is not a matter of a few inches – but of TOTAL INVERSION!!
The Southern Stars will interchange with The Northern Stars. The Southern Cross will hang over London, perhaps. And The Plough,etc.(A Northern Constellation) will hang over Austalasia!!


All SORTS of weird things will happen!!


The increasing disasters and high temperatures are due to Nibiru’s approach.
I am not fool-proof. But am giving my best estimates judging from the picture I get – as I go along.
We stand more chance of dying than of surviving this. Every creature on Earth does!!


I have warned for ten years now. As I have watched Nibiru get closer and closer.

The Authorities are trying to hide it.(To keep CONTROL of us.)

And the sceptics fear it.

A Conspiracy of Silence exists to TRY to hide it from The Public.
It MAY resemble(at face value) an unlikely notion. BUT IS NOT IN FACT so!

Unusual things DO SOME TIMES occur!!
It is not a case of LOOK DEEP, but LOOK DEEPER!!


Do NOT make the facile mistake of assuming that ALL coins not conforming to the usual parameters – are in fact duds!! That is the lazy man’s rule to save him looking more deeply!! Thus he takes the easy route of ASSUMING ALL coins not EXACTLY conforming have to be duds!!(And therein lies your mistake at times. And, I suggest, THIS time!!)
The line between dud and UNUSUAL genuine can some times be too narrow to distinguish easily!!


Though all duds are not genuine, not all dud looking coins(ETC.) are in fact duds!!

DESPITE the some-times genuine looking duds!!
I hope you know what I mean!!
The Nibiru notion – though it SUPERFICIALLY may have a number of fake properties – is, in fact, genuine DESPITE the APPARENTLY fake areas!!
In your eagerness to have Nibiru booted out, take CARE you do not eject a GENUINE ARTICLE!!!! Simply because of phoney FAKE superficia!!!!


Phoney fake equalling GENUINE!!!!


Not all dud coins are INFALLIBLY dud!!


The weakness here may be YOUR erroneous(in this case!) wish to classify Nibiru as a foolish notion!!
A case of DOUBLE bluff!!(If you see what I mean!!)

Dud coins can look genunine.

And sometimes genuine coins can LOOK dud, – when they are NOT!!

Even though genuine coins USUALLY look genuine!!

Those calling Nibiru phoney, are betraying their wish that it NOT be genuine – rather than that they have exposed yet one more phoney!!

Upon the altar of their wish that Nibiru BE a fake!!

Simply because fakes USUALLY bear tell-tale non-genuine SIGNS!!!!
Don’t let the SIMILARITY in appearances fool you here!!!!


I would ask these questions of the sceptics:-
1. Why MUST Nibiru BE phoney?

IS it phoney because you WANT it to be(so)?(In order to preserve YOUR error!!)

OR, is it genuine, but YOU cannot BEAR that??!!

Are YOU not being fooled by Orthodox DRIVEL?!
Which SO MANY have swallowed HOOK, LINE AND SINKER!!!!


2. WHEN you so viciously attack any who disagree with you(who have been fooled by orthodoxy).
3. Is it not possible that Orthodoxy ITSELF is fooled??


4. And even if you are correct(IF you are!!), WHY such INTENSE anger and HATRED??

Is no one else allowed to make a mistake? But you CANNOT??!!(CANNOT make a mistake.) – and DO NOT??!!

Are YOU so infallible??
WHY are you so ABJECT to Orthodoxy??!!









AAA36 A supplement. To Nibiru.

June 18, 2012

Monday, 18th June, 2,012.

More upon Nibiru.


It is coming towards us. But not DIRECTLY towards us. It is on ITS orbital trajectory. Earth is on its. The two orbital trajectories cross each other. Twice.
Did any of you SEE Nibiru? It was at about 11.00 against the sun.

It MAY not arrive to pass until early next year. Or some time in between.
A Pole Shift should start at ANY time.(Up until early next year.)




